Acne Treatment That Works!
Acne Treatment
Acne, the most common skin disorder in the U.S., has an impact that goes more than skin deep. It affects 40 to 50 million Americans and is associated with anxiety, depression, and higher unemployment rates. However, moderate to severe acne can be controlled and managed with the proper treatment.
We customize our acne treatment services for each patient for long lasting results.

Types of Acne
The tendency to develop acne runs in families. You are more likely to develop severe acne if your parents had severe acne. Acne treatment should be focused on the individual cause and long term prevention. The risk of developing acne is highest during the teen and young adult years. These are the years when hormones such as testosterone are increasing. Women who are at the age of menstruation also are more likely to develop acne. Many women have acne flare-ups in the days just before their menstrual periods.
Acne Treatment
The critical part of treating all forms of acne — mild, moderate and severe — is to eliminate microcomedones, the obstruction before you can actually see a whitehead or blackhead. This is a medication process but not drugs can have the same effect for everyone. The treatment of ACNE requires a very understanding of how the body reacts to different medication solutions.
The Acne Plan
The severity of acne is determined by the scope and type of lesions. Moderate acne is characterized by inflammatory (papules, pustules, nodules) and noninflammatory (comedones) lesions. Severe acne consists of numerous or extensive papules and pustules, as well as many nodules/cysts. Based on this is results or levels of severity is how a treatment plan gets determent.
Acne Prescription
Moderate to severe acne, which often warrants a more aggressive treatment than mild acne, is usually approached with a combination of topical treatments and oral antibiotics. Usually a six-month course of oral antibiotics, such as doxycycline 100mg, minocycline, tetracycline, or erythromycin. Antibiotics in the tetracycline class are frequently used because they have both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The use of benzoyl peroxide with topical or oral antibiotics decreases the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Comprehensive Allergy, Asthma & Acne Care
Physicians and staff of Vital Allergy & Asthma Center are committed to providing compassionate, individualized, high quality medical care to patients of all ages in a warm and friendly environment.
This is achieved by utilizing state-of the art, innovative diagnostic tools in treating asthma, bronchitis, eye allergies, food allergies, skin allergies, rhinitis, sinusitis, and other allergic, and immunologic diseases.

Dr Carlos Vital can help you improve and clear your ACNE no matter the severity.
Most ACNE treatments start with a change of lifestyle from your diet and your daily routine, but not always just by changing this behaiviors can help improve the break out of your skin. Most of the time ACNE is hereditary and very aggressive.
For those cases Dr. Vital can design and custom target your treatment bypassing the genetics and help your body to behave or react in a different way making your overall breakouts more and more less aggressive.
Avoid & Prevention
Frequently Used Medications
Immunotherapy (Allergy Shots)
We accept most insurance plans.
Please call for details.
Our physicians are accepting new patients and many have same day or next day appointments available.